Dental Traumatology

Especializados en traumatología dental

Specialized in Dental Traumatology

We are specialized in dental trauma. Seeing patients who suffered an injury affecting their teeth, bone and soft tissues (gums, lips, etc). If you, a member of your family or a friend, suffered a dental trauma, contact with us as soon as possible. You will find more information in the section DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY, where you will find guidelines which will help you to follow the current protocols of the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT). The importance of following these protocols after a traumatic injury, specially in cases of avulsion (when a tooth came out of the mouth) has  an strong influence int he outcome. Do not hesitate to contact with us for any question or concern related with dental trauma.

Dr. César de Gregorio, du to his wide experience in this area when served as a faculty of the University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA) and as a endodontist in The Center For Pediatric Dentistry (Seattle, WA, USA) will apply the most current protocols and techniques, according to the IADT, as an active member of this association.

The content of this website cannot be reproduced. All the content from De Gregorio Endodoncia©  has been registered. September, 1st, 2014.

Website of the IADT

The content of this website cannot be reproduced. All the content from De Gregorio Endodoncia©  has been registered. September, 1st, 2014.

De Gregorio Endodoncia. Endodoncia en exclusiva. PASEO DE LA HABANA 184, BAJO. 28036, MADRID. 623 197 355 e-mail: